You know it’s time to clean your harmonica when you can’t play it anymore.
You might be asking yourself: Why? Do I really need to clean my harmonica? Isn’t it supposed to be waterproof?
Well, yes and no. Your harmonica is waterproof—but that doesn’t mean that it can’t get dirty.
You’re going to want to clean your harmonica after playing it or anytime you notice it looks dusty or grimy.
It’s important to clean your harmonica regularly—not only because it’ll keep your instrument in good working order but also because it will help you avoid damaging the reed plates.
3 Tips for cleaning harmonica
The harmonica is a beautiful instrument, and it’s not uncommon to see them in the hands of children and adults alike.
The first thing you need to know- cleaning your harmonica is not difficult at all. If you are someone who likes to keep things clean and tidy, then this will be right up your alley.
You should also know that it is important for you to clean your harmonica because doing so will help prevent damage from occurring over time.
There are a lot of different methods for cleaning harmonicas, but I’m going to show you the one I use most often.
Tip 1
First, you need to find a soft cloth that you don’t mind ruining with the dust from your harmonica.
Tip 2
Then open up your harp, and take out all of the reeds. You can do this by putting your finger on either side of it and pulling it out with your other hand. Then wipe down each reed with your cloth until it is completely clean—don’t forget about any little crevices where dust might be hiding!
Tip 3
Next, place all of the reeds back inside your harp (you may need some help with this part). Then cover each opening with tissue paper or something similar (you don’t want any stray dust particles getting inside).
Finally, put the cover back on top of everything so that nothing falls out when you play later on!
Why do you need to clean the harmonica?
It is very important to clean your harmonica from time to time. If you do not clean your harmonica, it could get damaged and stop working properly.
Reason 1
The main reason why you should clean your harmonica is that it can get dirty very easily. For example, if you leave it in your pocket for a long time, then there will be dust and dirt on it. This can cause problems when playing your instrument later on.
Reason 2
Another reason why you should clean your harmonica is that some people may play them with their mouths open or even chew gum while playing them! If this happens, then saliva may fall onto the reeds, which could cause them to rust over time due to all the moisture present inside your mouth when chewing gum or talking while singing songs while playing a musical instrument like harmonica or guitar, etc.
Final words
Your harmonica is a delicate instrument. If you want to keep it working in tip-top shape, you’ll need to keep it clean.
The harmonica has been around for centuries, and its popularity has only increased since its invention. Today, there are many types of harmonicas available—from diatonic to chromatic.
And they are used in many different genres of music. If you play the harmonica often or regularly, then you’ll likely want to learn more about how best to clean your instrument.
Cleaning your harmonica is both a simple and important process! Cleaning your harmonica is easy and can be done in 2-3 minutes.
Follow the steps I have suggested here to get your instrument looking and sounding its best. 🙂