Is your flute not making your desired sound? Then, it would help if you tuned your flute to get the accurate pitch of the music. The flute needs tuning once in a while.
In fact, all musical instruments out there need to be tuned to produce the right kind of music. There are many ways you can tune a flute.
Here, we will talk about how one can tune their flute. Also, we will be pointing out to you more nitty-gritty of flute tuning.
Turning Method 1: Checking The Cork Of The Flute
Theirs is a cork inside the head joint, which is at the beginning edge of your flute. The cork can get displaced. It’s nothing uncommon for the cork can move out of it its right place.
When the cork is not in the right place, your flute won’t be making its best sound. Besides, the inward length of the flute is critical for a flute to make it an excellent sound.
If the cork has moved from the place, then the length inside your flute has also changed, and the air mechanism will produce the sound you are trying to create with your flute.
There are a few steps and tools involved to check the cork. And, no worries, we are here to help you to inspect the cork of your flute.
What Do I Need To Check The Cork?
You will only be needing a tuning rod. You will find them at any musical instrument store. Also, there are cleaning rods in the market that comes with tuning ends. So, you can perform your separate activities with a single tool.
How To The Cork With Tuning Rod
First, you need to disassemble the flute. Then, take the rod and have to look at the head of the rod. You will see a mark on the head.
Next, put the rode inside the head joint. The mark should be aligned right in the middle of the embouchure.
If the mark appears forward or backward from the middle of the mouthing hole of your flute, then it needs tuning.
Can I Correct The Cork Position?
No, you fix it on your own at home when it comes to repositioning the cork. We suggest you go to an expert flute technician to get the cork perfected.
Please don’t try to fix it on your own if you are not sure about it. And, don’t worry about the expense, it won’t cost you too much.
Preventing The Cork From Getting Displaced
You are supposed to send your flute for servicing once a year. Experts say the cork should be in the right place if you are sincere about the servicing.
So, never forget about servicing your flute. Still, if you find it in the wrong place, see an adept flute expert.
In practice, people don’t really for checking the cork when they are tuning the flute. But, advanced flutists suggest checking it when you have a tuning problem.
Tuning Method 2: Fixing The Temperature Inside The Flute
The temperature can affect the music pitch. For instance, if your flute is too cold, it will sound falter. And, if it’s warmer, it will sound really sharp. That’s not how a flute should sound. Thus, you need to set the right temperature inside the flute.
What Do I Need To Set The Right Temperature?
You don’t need any special tool in this method. Basically, all you be doing to blow air inside the flute before you start actually playing it.
There are some details you need to be aware of while correcting the temperature. Have a look at the section below to learn the method entirely.
How To Warm up The Flute
The process is straightforward. All you need to do is- press all the keys together, then blow in the head joint for a while. You don’t have to blow that hard. Just blow in it the way you will blow to play the flute.
Anyway, when blowing inside the flute, you will find the flute’s body getting a little warmer. People who are living in cold temperature weather frequently do this to tune their flutes.
Also, you can play some notes to warm up the flute. That way, you can warm up your facial muscles too. It will help you make the natural mouth shape for the embouchure.
Tuning Method 3: Altering Flute Length & Tuning Software
You can set the tune by utilizing websites or applications for adjusting the tuning. And, you will be adjusting to changing the length of the flute. By extending the head joint, you can make the pitch flat or sharp.
After warming up the flute, you can make use of this method. Flutists sometimes change the tuning length when they don’t find the flute is not well-tuned after the warp-up.
We have already said that weather can affect flute pitch. If it’s cold or hotter, you are surely warm it up and then use this method.
But, if the temperature is okay, then you can directly tune your flute with this method. However, it is suggested by flute teachers to always do some warm-up for both the flute and your mouth.
What Do I Need To Change The Flute Length & Tune Adjustment
You will push the head joint from its connection space to the body joint. And, you will need to browse some tuning applications on your computer or mobile device. There are plenty of free applications and websites.
How To Tune By Changing The Length Of Flute Tube & Using Online Application
First, find a website or application and keep the device near to your flute. Next, pull the head joint by a couple of centimeters from the body joint.
Now, play the flute, and make sure the tuning application is receiving the sound. The software will analyze the sound and show you the result of the pitch. It might show sharp or flat.
As you have extended the length, you are aiming to get a sharp sound. If the application doesn’t show it sharp, then decrease the length. You can this way adjust the length and tune your flute with the help of tuning software.
To Warp-Up
Flute tuning is essential for producing the best sound. We hope you have built a clear understanding of tuning your flute with the three methods we have suggested above. Hopefully, now, you will be able to tune the flute well and play on the right pitch with our guide’s help.
Have an excellent flute-playing session!