Infamously, low C is challenging to play. Let’s consider this- a few things simply take a little longer for some of us to apprehend or learn.
Learning varies from person to person. Still, as we have stated, some things are generally could be hard to learn.
That is precisely what it is about learning or playing the Low C.
You practice enough and know where it is going wrong; your success with learning to play low C accurately is unstoppable. At least, that’s what experts say.
Here, we will help you to play low C. Also, we will provide you with essential details about the difficulty of learning the play low C.
Along with that, you will realize where you are going wrong with the playing process.
Let’s start with the discussion!
Steps For Playing Low C
The steps are not going to belong here. Do read and follow them carefully to play low C.
Step 1
Hold your flute, and close all the flutes on the body with the finger from both hands.
Step 2
Now, you need to place the right hand of your pinky on the C sharp and C roller key. When you blow air, you will have to press them down at a time to play the low C.
Step 3
Next, you take the flute toward your lip to blow air, making sure your lips are substantially relaxed and spread. Also, your lips are supposed to be near your teeth for playing C sharp.
Step 4
Now, you will blow air into the flute while holding the keys. You have to blow slowly and smoothly to play the low C properly.
Keep on practicing this way. And, do go over the details below to learn better about playing low C.
Things You Need To Pay To If You Are Failing To Play Low C
You might know about the steps already, but you are still having a problem playing low C. Read the information below to get the low C right.
Checking Leaks In Your Flute
You are keeping all the fingers down, and you are blowing into the flute as correctly as possible; nothing is coming out.
This is because the flute is leaking from somewhere, and you need to give your flute a good check. This is one of the common reasons for not being able to make a low C.
Note that, beginner, intermediate, or advanced flutists, anyone from any level can come across this problem.
Remedies To The Leaking Issue
You have played low C before with your flute, and now you are failing to play it. Happens! We have already mentioned, the problem is there might be some sort of leak in your flute.
The pads might be ripped or damaged eventually. The solution to the problem is to replace the flute. In other words, get yourself a new flute.
However, this is chiefly true for those who have been using the flute for a long time. The case of leaking with a newer flute is rare.
Still, there remains some possibility for your flute to be leaked. You can check with a flute mechanic in that regard.
In addition, you can avoid issues like leaking and damaged pads if you service the flute once a year. Then again, if you have often been practicing with the flute, then you better take it to service in the middle of a year.
Maintaining The Right Air Stream
Expert users say that you should check if the flute is leaking before you look into the matter of your air-blowing attempt. We are saying this because when nothing but empty air comes out of your flute, the reason is the leak.
Keeping that in mind, when you know air and some pitch comes out from the flute, that means the flute is not leaking. The actual explanation for that is that the pitch or sound might not be the right one when trying to play low C.
In that case, you have an issue with blowing the right amount of air. You might be blowing the air too hard. Addressing all the beginners here- low C requires a smooth air stream.
The airstream should be coming out slowly and smoothly from your lung. Moreover, even if it requires you to blow air harder or faster when playing the low C, you will still be holding a huge amount of air inside your lungs. Try to learn to control the airstream while practicing low C.
The Right Embouchure Structure
You have practicing flute for a while now. You are all aware of the importance of embouchure structure to play a specific note.
Undoubtedly, you have learned, you need to keep your lip muscle relaxed while playing the high notes. The same goes for playing the low C.
Also, you need to keep your lips spread and with ease. The lips should not be away from the teeth if we say that in one sentence- keep your lips closer to your teeth, not-tensed, and spread.
The Fingering Error
Most certainly, you are aware of closing all the holes in the body joint of the flute with the fingers of both your hands. Then, you are also aware that you are supposed to press down both C sharp and C roller keys.
You also know that the D sharp key is right beside the C sharp and C roller key. And, it’s a common error made by beginner players to move their pinky on the D sharp key. The flute will immediately create a weird sound when the error happens.
Covering the holes on the body joint with all of your fingers is not as nearly challenging as pressing the right key on foot joint with your pinky! Anyhow, it’s all about practicing.
Wrong Alignment Of The Joints
Touching the right key on the foot joint can be harder for inaccurate alignment of the joints. You need to make sure all the joints are residing in a straight line or in the required position.
On A Final Note
Low C, is not a note that is practiced or learned by the very beginners. Besides, it’s not the most important note in flute playing. Still, it is practiced by the advanced-level flutist. So, if you are in a position of learning to play low C, follow the guide we have provided.
Beginners are encouraged to explore too! We hope our instructions and information help you with playing the low C. One last thing, if you fail, don’t stop practicing. Or don’t be scared of it. Instead, you can make it one of your favorite notes to play!