Got a fascination for the Native American lifestyle? Maybe specifically, the way their clothes are made.
And, to be more precise, the material and the design of their clothing look so intriguing.
The designs of their cloth contain various aesthetically pleasing characteristics.
If somebody wants to make a native American flute bag, they need some specific materials and formation to make it look like one.
Anyway, since you are here, you are certainly amazed by the native culture. We are as much of an admirer as you are!
Here, we will give away a step-by-step guide for making a native flute bag along with the materials you will need. Read on to make a splendid native American flute bag.
Components Of Native Designs And Arts
As a tribe, they used to make almost everything with their hands. The design and arts they incorporated into objects were some awe-inspiring hand works.
Before we put down the details about making a native flute, why not talk about how they look? Because of the simple yet magnificent patterns, lines are what make it appealing, isn’t it?
Besides, when you look at some characteristics of their aboriginal designs, you will know better what a native flute bag should look like.
Let’s go over some of the noteworthy characteristics and components of native design.
- Native arts are closely related to nature and spirituality.
- In patterns, you will mainly see straight lines, crosses, diamonds, triangles, and zigzag lines.
- Particularly in arts, you will notice various animal-drawn or other significant creations of nature.
- Originally, their color combination is never bright. The design of the main piece is always created with soothing color blends. The colors could be deeper but never beaming.
Materials You Need To Make A Native American Flute Bag
- Navajo blanket fabric
- Interfacing
- Cording
- Safety pin
- Rotary cutter
- Wide ruler
- Cutting mat
- All-purpose thread
- Iron
- Damp press-cloth
- Pair of fabric scissors
Let’s start making the flute bag!
Step 1
First, collect some Navajo blanket fabric. You will find different types of Navajo fabrics, but you should collect blanket fabric for this project.
To make it clearer to you, Navajo is the name of the design you usually see on Native American clothes.
The length and width depend on you because you will find flutes of different lengths. For instance, modern flutes are 26 inches in length and 3-4 inches in diameter.
Native American flutes can belong from a low of 20 to 40 inches, and the bore can 3-5 inches. So, choose accordingly.
You will be adding interfacing on the wrong side of the bag. Make sure you buy interfacing material with the same measurement you buy blanket fabric.
Step 2
Once you collect the fabric, you start the first stage of making a Native American flute bag with other essential items.
Take the fabric, and lay it on top of the cutter mat. Then, determine the measurements of the flute. After that, cut the blanket fabric by length and width by keeping a 1-inch seam allowance.
It would help if you used the rotary cutter and ruler for cutting the fabric is nice straight lines.
Step 3
When you are done making the fabric initially ready by cutting it in length and width, you need to snip off some edges.
You need to snip off the corners for hemming and adding cording. Which edges are you supposed to cut off? The upper part of the bag will contain the cording.
Keep the fabric on the mat, and place the ruler on the corner of the bag’s beginning part. You need to use a rotary cutter to snip off the edges.
Next, fold the fabric in half in length, and cut off the newly created edge as well. After cutting the edges off, unfold the previous fabric’s fabric, and set it in the previous condition.
Step 4
Now, we will direct you to add interfacing. Take the interfacing materials and cut the interfacing with the measurement and current formation of the fabric piece.
Then, place the fabric on the wrong side. On top of the wrong side, place the interfacing by its’ shiny side.
Once the fabric and the interfacing are aligned, place a damp press cloth over them. A damp press cloth is a piece of thin cloth that is slightly wet.
When the fabric, interfacing, and damp press cloth are on top of one another, heat the iron. After the iron is fully heated, press it on the damp cloth—Iron the cloth part by part.
After placing it on the wet cloth, you will hear a sizzling sound. That means the water is drying up, and the interfacing is getting attached to the blanket fabric.
You can check under the damp cloth if the interfacing is getting attached to the blanket fabric. If not, iron it thoroughly once again.
After the ironing is done and the interfacing is attached to the fabric, take a pair of fabric scissors. The edges you created earlier could be interfacing in the edges and the notch in the middle. Cut the interfacing from the edges and notch.
Step 5
Now, you need to start sewing. First, you have to sew the edges and notch you have in the bag’s upper part.
Remember, you will be sewing on the wrong side. Start with one of the edges. You need to fold the edge a little. Then, take the sewing machine. You can hand sew it as well.
Sew in edges from both sides and the edges in the notch as well.
Step 6
After sewing the snipped edges, you need to fold the edges from the upper side. This way, you will be making rooms from cording.
So, fold the edges from the upper side, and iron them. If you iron them, it will be more manageable for you to perform the next step.
Now, sew the edges and make room for the cording. After that, you need to few the entire body of the bag. Well, you will be sewing only one side in length and width.
Step 7
When you are done sewing the bag’s body, cut off the extra seam allowance from all sides. Next, add cording, and take the right side of the bag. Your Native American flute will be ready by the stage.
Final Thoughts
You could be performing this project for your flute, or maybe for someone else’s. If you want o make a good bag create the right length and width. Also, be sure to make the bag a little bigger than a flute. The process is not complicated. Please read the instructions we have provided, and make your desired Native American bag.