As a beginner, you probably find that learning to play the Piano is easy. You may have even started to master Piano easily at first.
But as weeks and months pass by, you find that it is not easy at all to the master piano.
It takes years of practice, and it’s tough to pull through. Some people have been doing this for a long time and still have difficulty getting control of the keys. But why is that?
And, in general, how long does it take to master the Piano?
As you might expect, the answer isn’t quite so simple. Because different factors influence how long it will take for you to learn any given song on the Piano.
Here, you will get answers to all of the questions. Keep reading to know how many years it takes to master the piano.
4 Main factors that influence the duration
Many factors determine the duration of mastering the Piano. Learn about the 4 major factors below.
- Teaching yourself to play
- Age of a person
- Talent
- Hours of practice
How long it ACTUALLY takes to learn Piano thoroughly?
Generally, you’ll need at least 10 to 15 years of intensive study with a qualified teacher. As well as you will have to practice for hours to become a skilled classical performer.
On the other hand, it takes the majority of people three to five years of practice and study who want to play Piano for fun.
However, piano playing includes a lot of stages. I will discuss two main stages mentioning the duration.
How Long to Learn Piano Technique?
The amount of time to learn piano technique depends on the student. Some people learn quickly, and others take longer.
The most essential factor in determining how long it will take you to learn is- how much time you give to practicing each day. If you practice 10 minutes a day and do so every day for six months, you will notice progress in your playing—but not a whole lot.
If instead of practicing for 10 minutes every day for six months, you practice for an hour every day for six months, then you’ll make more progress in that same period.
It’s also important to remember that learning the piano technique involves more than just playing notes or chords; it’s about learning how those notes and chords are connected together so that they sound good together.
If you don’t put in enough time working on this aspect of your playing, then even if you practice regularly and diligently, it might still take longer than expected before your skills improve noticeably.
How Long to learn to play songs on the Piano?
Learning a song on the Piano is about more than just being able to play the notes. You have to feel it, too. You have to be able to interpret the song and make it your own. And that can take a lot of practice.
Let’s say you’re learning a song that’s in 4/4 time, which is most songs. You’ll want to start by practicing each hand separately for about 10-15 minutes per day until you’ve memorized the timing and melody of each hand by itself.
This way, you can focus on playing both hands together once you’ve mastered each hand individually without worrying as much about timing or melody.
After that? It depends on how quickly you learn things. But generally speaking, it takes most people at least 6-12 months of consistent practice before they can start playing songs with confidence and ease.
The duration of learning to play the Piano is not as important as enjoying the process. Moreover, learning to play the Piano is a lifelong skill. And it can bring you joy and relaxation. Thus, there’s no age limit on how long it takes to learn, either. 🙂
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