Flutes are supposed to be inside the flute case when you are done practicing and cleaning it. Most of us have a flute case where we need to keep a flute disassembled.
And, we assemble it every time we want to play some flute.
Unlike the cases where we keep the flute disassembled, there are one-piece flute cases where you can keep the flute assembled.
Anyway, if you are a beginner, you don’t have an assembled flute case, and you are to assemble and dissemble your flute now and then, this guide is for you!
Read on to learn how to assemble a flute correctly and the essential ideas about assembling a flute.
Assembling A Flute
Suppose you know about the cost of those one-piece flute cases, good for you! If you don’t know about the price of those one-piece flute cases, let us blow your mind, they cost you around $300 or more than that! In comparison to the assembled flute cases, the disassembled ones are a lot cheaper. It won’t be wrong if we say most of the people who have a flute has a disassembled flute case.
It is not about flute cases; we are rowing toward assembling flutes. It’s not as straightforward as you might reckon. Clearly, people who have a one-piece flute case aren’t buying it for no reason! Flute assembling is a meticulous process. Go over the steps below and learn about the essential ideas about flute assembling.
Step 1
Before we direct you with any other details, we want you always to remember to be gentle in the assembling process. Take the case on a table or lap as you are a beginner.
When you are used o handling the flute and its assembling procedure, you can start unboxing by keeping the case on your lap. You don’t want to drop any of the parts, do you?
Step 2
While taking out the joints, you should pull them out and hold them by one side. Also, it would be best if you don’t touch portions where keys are placed. Keeping those in mind, have a look at the middle joint. You will see a long and empty space beside the keys.
Pull out the middle joint by putting your index finger in the end. Next, you need to grab it securely and take it out fully by that empty end with the other hand. You will be connecting the head joint with that end of the middle joint later on.
Step 3
Keep the middle joint in your left hand. Then, take out the foot joint the same way you pulled out the middle joint with your index finger’s help.
Now, hold the foot joint with the lift by its empty side straight and upward. Next, slide the middle joint into the foot joint.
You won’t have to force the joints to put them together. All you need to do is, twist them back and forth to set them together. The rod of the key mechanism on the foot joint should be aligned with the middle point of the keys on the middle joint.
You have to the rod and the keys in the correct position when you twist back and forth to connect both the middle and foot joints.
You are allowed to move them, to set them aligned when it’s not perfect for the slight difference. But, if they are far away from the alignment, it would be best to take them out and try putting them together again.
Step 4
You have the foot and middle joint assembled in your hand right now. Next, you need to incorporate the head joint.
Please take out the head joint and hold it by its empty side. Take the assembled part of the flute on the other hand and hold it by the empty side of the middle joint.
Hold the assembled part straight and upward. Next, try to put the head joint on the middle joint. The inserting process is the same. Just smoothly twist back and forth. Now, the embouchure hole should be aligned with the keys of the middle joint.
Step 5
To make sure the embouchure hole and the key are in the same line, hold the head-joint right and forward in front of one of your eyes. Next, close the other eye and look if they are residing in the accurate line.
Or, you can hold the flute in front of you and look at the keys and hole. You will be able to confirm their position that way too. Try both methods, and see what works for you best.
Step 6
Your flute is assembled, but there is one last step that you need to perform. You need to set the flute to the right tune. We know we are talking about tuning here, but you are assembling for playing it. If you are planning to play it, then give this stage a careful read.
Before you start playing it, you need to change the length of the flute a little bit. Experts say the flute joints are not supposed to be connected all the way in to create the perfect pitch. They should be pulled out from the connection point a little bit to get the pitch right.
Besides, you will have to pull them from the connection for tuning at some point. So, pull the head joint from the middle joint slightly to increase the length of the tube.
- Build a habit of nothing touching the area of the key mechanism. They are sensitive, and slight uncareful touch can damage them greatly!
- If the joints are set perfectly in their meeting point, don’t twist to set them right. Pull softly, separate them, and start over.
- If the joints are not in any way near the straight line, you should separate them and try again. Too much twisting when the joints are entirely connected can make the connection point lose.
To Summarize
Assembling the flute is a considerably delicate process. Be careful as much as you can. Don’t stress over the process because we have to warn you a lot. All we are saying, you can’t do it fast or vigorously. Go slow and be gentle with the flute because you damage your recently bought flute.
All the best for learning the flute!