Holding a flute properly is critical for playing flute like a pro! Here, we will give away vital information and instructions for holding the flute.
And we will be focusing on the silver flute because holding a bamboo is fundamentally the same.
However, we will talk briefly about holding a bamboo flute as there are subtle aspects to address.
Essentials Ideas To Be Aware To Hold A Flute
- Don’t be uptight while practicing the flute. It would be best if you were relaxed while holding or playing the flute. You might create some lovely tunes with your flute when your muscles are tense. If you want to produce excellent sound and be better at playing it, practice relaxing your entire body.
- Practicing with tensed muscles can result in tendinitis. Many flute players seem to develop this health issue after playing flute for a long time just because they couldn’t lose their hands and body.
- Holding correctly is crucial for making the best sounds and realizing your potential. You will learn about holding the flute in proper positions in a while. Once again, a relaxed body facilitates holding a flute correctly.
Terms You Will Be Coming Across
- Lip plate
- Head joint
- Foot joint
- Home keys
Tips For Holding The Flute Properly
- Hand position is vital as you will be playing and holding the flute with your hand. Don’t raise your hands too high or low. Keep in between that will be comfortable for you.
- Keep your head straight, and look at the front. Don’t tilt it too much or keep it high. Just like hands, find a position that will be convenient for your practice.
- Move your lower body a little if you need. That will help you to handle the flute better way.
- Always keep your fingers on the allotted keys. It’s like typing on a computer; you don’t take your right-hand fingers on the left side of the keyboard. Typing is not much productive when you don’t place your fingers and hands in the correct position for reaching the keys. So, the same goes for playing the flute too.
Related Post: Best Flute Teacher on Online
Steps For Playing Silver Flute
Positioning You Hand
You need to keep your hand C-shape instead of closing them all the way. Also, remember to keep your hand and shoulder relaxed as much as possible. Some people might get more stress from the thoughts of relaxing. And, they end up way tenser. Relaxing can be challenging; we all understand that. Just take a deep breath, and loosen up all the muscles.
Step 1
You will need to hold the flute from two sides and in two directions. Considering that, you need to place your left-hand fingers on the holes of the main body. And your hand should be facing you.
Step 2
You need to place your right-hand fingers on the foot joint keys. And, you left should be facing the front, not you.
Placing The Finger On The Keys
When you are holding the flute, you need to position the finger on specific holes. Follow the steps in this portion carefully, so you don’t get confused. You will apprehend it better if you can read one instruction and implement it. Otherwise, you might place the fingers in the wrong keys with all the instructions.
While holding the flute, remember to keep your hand, hand, should straight, relaxed, and aligned as much as you can. Yes, you can tilt your hand, and also move your hands and shoulder while playing the flute. But this guide is for beginners, that’s it important to learn the right ways to hold a flute, and when you lean it, you can adapt your very own convenient holding position for your body parts and the flute.
Step 1
There are three parts of a flute, and you will find keys on the main body and foot joints. Every finger has a specific key to hold. You have already placed your left on your flute’s main body, and there are several keys. Now, you need to place your finger on the right key.
First of all, let’s see what key we have on the left hand’s main body. Thumb key by the flute’s backside, index key, middle key, ring key, and another key to place your pinky.
You will find a long extended key by the back side of the flute. That is the thumb key. Place your thumb on that key.
Step 2
You will now see a key with no hole in it at a distance from the lip plate, which is the beginning of the key mechanism. You will skip that key and place your left-hand index finger on the second key. This key also doesn’t have any holes in it. It mainly helps you to hold the flute.
Step 3
You need to skip the 3rd key in the mechanism and place your middle finger on the 4th key. 4th key has a hole in it. You need to place your ring finger on the 5th key, and you are not skipping any key now. Just reach the key with your ring finger, which is beside the 4th key. After that, you need to rest your picky on another extended key beside the 5th key. Placing the finger in the left hand is done here.
Step 4
In the body joint, you will touch the last three keys with your right hand. And, there is no key for your left-hand thumb. Simply, place your thumb by the back side of the flute’s body. Now, place your index finger on the first key you have from the left side at the end of the main body. Then, place your middle finger on the second last key, and finally, keep the ring finger on the last key at the end of the main body. With this finger placing for both hands is done!
You don’t play another key with the same finger. Every finger needs to be on the selected keys. You will be lifting the fingers from the key to play a different note, but you need to move them to other keys.
How To Hold Bamboo Flute
It’s commonsensical, but we still want to help you if you are wondering about it anyway. You might think the silver flute has more details than a bamboo flute, so it could be different. Actually, No, you need to hold and place your finger in the same order you will place it on a silver flute.
The differences in keys between bamboo and silver flute are, all the keys have a hole in the bamboo flute. You need to keep your finger rested on the holes if requires. Unlike the bamboo flute, the silver flute has some keys to rest fingers without holes.
On A Final Note
Now that you have learned about positioning your hands and finger correctly, learn to make yourself relax as well. Trying to play instruction is praiseworthy, but you want to excel at learning to do it properly in a less tense manner. Anyway, you can look for some tutorials to make some notes for beginners. Have an excellent practice session! 🙂